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It's funny, but robots don't seem to be able to do simple math.
Winter Week Planning Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Spring Carnival Planning Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Holiday Shop Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
School Supplies Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Boosterthon Fundraiser Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Teacher Mini-Grant Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
STEM Support Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
House Shirt Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
School Play Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Welcome New Students Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Hands on New Prospect Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Fall Membership Drive Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Teacher Luncheon Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Teacher Raffle/Prizes Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Teacher Appreciation Week Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Corporate Match Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Spirit Night Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Corporate Sponsorship/Partnership Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Spiritwear Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Social Media Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Flyers Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Panther Parent Communication Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Website/Newsletter Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Back to School Bash Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Fall Movie Night Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Spring Event Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Design/Photography Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Planning Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Planning Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Volunteer Organizer Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Fundraising Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Pool Party Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Communications Committee
0 out of 5 filled.
Events Planning Committee
0 out of 5 filled.